Reg Strikes Back

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Band Name Elton John
Album Name Reg Strikes Back
Type Album
Erscheinungsdatum 1988
Musik GenrePop Rock
Mitglieder die dieses Album besitzen11


1. Town of Plenty
2. A Word in Spanish
3. Mona Lisas and Mad Hatters (Pt. 2)
4. I Don't Wanna Go on with You Like That
5. Japanese Hands
6. Goodbye Marlon Brando
7. The Camera Never Lies
8. Heavy Traffic
9. Poor Cow
10. Since God Invented Girls
11. Rope Around a Fool
12. I Don't Wanna Go on with You Like That (Shep Pettibone Mix)
13. I Don't Wanna Go on with You Like That (Just Elton and His Piano Mix)
14. Mona Lisas and Mad Hatters (Pt. 2) (the Renaissance Mix)

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Elton John