Survival of the Sickest

Liste der Bands Psychobilly Mad Sin Survival of the Sickest
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Band Name Mad Sin
Album Name Survival of the Sickest
Type Album
Erscheinungsdatum 17 September 2002
Musik GenrePsychobilly
Mitglieder die dieses Album besitzen4


1. Communication Breakdown
2. Revenge
3. Sin Is Law (Racket in 711)
4. Nothing's Alright - Mad Sin, Demolition 23
5. 1000 Eyes
6. Conquer the World
7. Sweet Caroline
8. Psycho Sideshow
9. Love Is Dead
10. Where the Wild Things Are
11. She's So Bad It's Good
12. Senseless Species
13. Dangerzone
14. Delirium
15. Bloody Monday
16. Class Warpath

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Mad Sin