The Beekeeper

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Band Name Tori Amos
Album Name The Beekeeper
Type Album
Erscheinungsdatum 22 Februar 2005
Labels Epic Records
Musik GenrePop Rock
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1. Parasol
2. Sweet the Sting
3. The Power of Orange Knickers
4. Jamaican Inn
5. Barons of Suburbia
6. Sleeps with Butterflies
7. General Joy
8. Mother Revolution
9. Ribbons Undone
10. Cars and Guitars
11. Witness
12. Original Sinsuality
13. Ireland
14. The Beekeeper
15. Martha'S Foolish Ginger
16. Hoochie Woman
17. Goodbye Pisces
18. Marys of the Sea
19. Toast

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Tori Amos