The Diving Board

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Band Name Elton John
Album Name The Diving Board
Type Album
Erscheinungsdatum 16 September 2013
Musik GenrePop Rock
Mitglieder die dieses Album besitzen2


1. Oceans Away
2. Oscar Wilde Gets Out
3. A Town Called Jubilee
4. The Ballad of Blind Tom
5. Dream #1
6. My Quicksand
7. Can't Stay Alone Tonight
8. Voyeur
9. Home Again
10. Take This Dirty Water
11. Dream #2
12. The New Fever Waltz
13. Mexican Vacation (Kids in the Candlelight)
14. Dream #3
15. The Diving Board
Bonustracks (Deluxe Edition)
16. Candlelit Bedroom
17. Home Again (live from Capitol Studios)
18. Mexican Vacation (Kids in the Candlelight) (live from Capitol Studios)
19. The New Fever Waltz (live from Capitol Studios)

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 $32.20  8,74 €  8,74 €  £33.13  $39.88  9,99 €  38,19 €
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Elton John