The Man Left In Space

Liste der Bands Neo Prog Cosmograf The Man Left In Space
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Band Name Cosmograf
Album Name The Man Left In Space
Type Album
Erscheinungsdatum 05 Februar 2013
Labels Self-Released
Musik GenreNeo Prog
Mitglieder die dieses Album besitzen1


1. How Did I Get Here ? 02.06
2. Aspire, Achieve 10.15
3. The Good Earth Behind Me 04.18
4. The Vacuum That I Fly Through 05.00
5. This Naked Endeavour 04.42
6. We Disconnect 05.45
7. Beautiful Treadmill 05.03
8. The Man Left in Space 09.58
9. When the Air Runs Out 09.35
Total playing time 56:42

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