The New Transistor Heroes

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Album Name The New Transistor Heroes
Type Album
Erscheinungsdatum 07 April 1997
Labels Wiiija
Musik GenreIndie Rock
Mitglieder die dieses Album besitzen1


1. Tell It to the Kids
2. Sweet Shop Avengers
3. Starbright Boy
4. Popstar Kill
5. Mr. Important
6. Antiseptic Poetry
7. Popyura
8. Skinny Tie Sensurround
9. Poster Parent
10. Monstarr
11. Everybody Thinks That They're Going to Get Theirs
12. Rebel Soul
13. Photo Shop
14. X-Defect
15. Lie Detector Test
16. Dinosaur Germs
17. Rollerblade Zero
18. Team Theme

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 $12.89  13,81 €  69,35 €  £12.80  $21.56  62,00 €  16,85 €
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