The it Girl

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Band Name Sleeper
Album Name The it Girl
Type Album
Erscheinungsdatum 06 Mai 1996
Labels Indolent
Musik GenreBritpop
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UK Version
1. Lie Detector
2. Sale of the Century
3. What Do I Do Now ?
4. Good Luck Mr Gorsky
5. Feeling Peaky
6. Shrinkwrapped
7. Dress Like Your Mother
8. Statuesque
9. Glue Ears
10. Nice Guy Eddie
11. Stop Your Crying
12. Factor 41
13. Click... Off... Gone
US Version
1. Feeling Peaky
2. Sale of the Century
3. Dress Like Your Mother
4. Statuesque
5. Nice Guy Eddie
6. Stop Your Crying
7. Lie Detector
8. What Do I Do Now ?
9. Shrinkwrapped
10. Good Luck Mr. Gorsky
11. Factor 41
12. Click...Off...Gone

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