Weekend Man

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Band Name Royal Republic
Album Name Weekend Man
Type Album
Erscheinungsdatum 10 Juni 2016
Musik GenreRock
Mitglieder die dieses Album besitzen4


1. Here I Come (There You Go)
2. Walk!
3. When I See You Dance With Another
4. People Say That I’m Over the Top
5. Kung Fu Lovin’
6. Weekend-Man
7. My Way
8. Follow the Sun
9. Uh Huh
10. Any Given Sunday
11. Baby
12. High Times
13. American Dream
Bonus Tracks
14. Getting Along
15. Playball

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 $17.81  37,33 €  14,03 €  £21.16  $45.08  22,01 €  29,45 €
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Royal Republic