

De Homine Urbano

Album, 1970, Universal Music Group

Ache : De Homine Urbano


1. De Homine Urbano 18.44
a/ Overture
b/ Soldier Theme
c/ Ballerina Theme
d/ Pas de Deux
e/ Ogre Theme
f/ Awakening
g/ The Dance of the Demons
h/ Pas de Trois
i/ The Last Attempt
j/ Finale
2. Little Things 19.11
Total playing time 27.55

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Green Man

Album, 1971, Philips

Ache : Green Man


1. Equatorial Rain 7.03
2. Sweet Jolly Yoyce 3.50
3. The Invasion 6.01
a/ Fanfaronade
b/ Invasion
c/ Monologue
d/ Break-Down
4. Shadow Of A Gipsy 4.40
5. Green Man 4.41
6. Acheron 4.49
7. We Can Work It Out / Workin' 8.42
Total playing time 39.46

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Pictures From Cyclus 7

Album, 1976, CBS Records

Ache : Pictures From Cyclus 7


1. Cyclus 7, Introduction
2. Roses (Registering)
3. Still Hungry (Vampyre Song)
4. What Can We Do?
5. Still Registering
6. Our Lives
7. Last Part 1
8. Outtroduction
9. Last Part 2
10. Expectation

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Bla Som Altid

Album, 1977, KMF

Ache : Bla Som Altid


1. Den Mellemungende Tid
2. Kilometerstenen
3. Pantomime
4. Evig Søndag
5. Perafinn
6. Se Dig Omkring
7. Ingen Returbillet

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