25 Years of Punk Rock (The Best of 4PM)

Band's List Street Punk - Oi 4 Past Midnight 25 Years of Punk Rock (The Best of 4PM)
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Band Name 4 Past Midnight
Album Name 25 Years of Punk Rock (The Best of 4PM)
Type Compilation
Released date 2014
Labels STP Records
Music StyleStreet Punk - Oi
Members owning this album0


1. Party Political Bullshit
2. Little Sid
3. Carry the Cross
4. No Excuse
5. Same Old Policies
6. Join the Army
7. Nobody Listens Any More
8. Mental Ward
9. Wasted Life
10. Abused
11. UK Of (A)
12. The Answer Is Still No
13. Killer (Demo Version)
14. Police Story
15. Major's on the Street (Demo Version)
16. As Our World Turns
17. Nowhere to Go
18. Senseless Murder
19. Victim (Demo Version)
20. See the Light
21. The War Goes On
22. Hear Nothing See Nothing Say Nothing
23. Cimberland Arcade
24. My Feelings
25. Hands Off
26. Get a Life or Fuck Off
27. Outro
28. The 4PM Jig
1. The 4PM Crew
2. So Fradgile
3. New World
4. Fight and Unite
5. All for Free
6. It's not Right
7. Down and Out
8. Fuck Them All
9. Going Underground
10. The 4PM Boys
11. Glasgow
12. Dead and Street
13. Gordon
14. Solution Is War
15. Waste Away
16. Any Onther Way
17. Punk Rock Noise
18. Justifield
19. Story of My Life
20. The Truth Is out There
21. Who Takes the Blame
22. Broken
23. The Fight
24. Nobody Should Be Lonley on Christmas Day
25. Hidden Track

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4 Past Midnight