A Walk with Love & Death

Band's List Grunge The Melvins A Walk with Love & Death
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Band Name The Melvins
Album Name A Walk with Love & Death
Type Album
Released date 07 July 2017
Music StyleGrunge
Members owning this album1


1. Black Heath 06:31
2. Sober-delic (Acid Only) 06:03
3. Euthanasia 04:36
4. What's Wrong with You? 02:36
5. Edgar the Elephant 03:36
6. Flaming Creature 04:22
7. Christ Hammer 03:51
8. Cactus Party 03:37
9. Cardboa Negro 02:56
10. Aim High 02:01
11. Queen Powder Party 02:14
12. Street Level St. Paul 02:18
13. The Hidden Joice 01:11
14. Give It to Me 02:49
15. Chicken Butt 01:49
16. Eat Yourself Out 05:03
17. Scooba 01:09
18. Halfway to the Bakersfield Mall 04:17
19. Pacoima Normal 02:33
20. Park Head 03:39
21. T-Burg 04:10
22. Track Star 05:02
23. The Asshole Bastard 04:55
Total playing time 1:21:18

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The Melvins