Bathing at Baxters Rehearsals

Band's List Psychedelic Rock Jefferson Airplane Bathing at Baxters Rehearsals
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Band Name Jefferson Airplane
Album Name Bathing at Baxters Rehearsals
Type Bootleg
Released date 2003
Music StylePsychedelic Rock
Members owning this album0


Recorded Live at Pacific Heights Studio, San Francisco, USA, 05/10/1967
1. Martha (Instrumental)
2. Spayre Change
Recorded Live at Fillmore West, San Francisco, CA, USA, 26/10/1968
3. Fat Angel
4. Rock Me Baby
5. Somebody to Love
6. Won't You Try / Saturday Afternoon
7. White Rabbit
8. Ballad of You and Me and Pooneil
9. House at Pooneil Corner

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Jefferson Airplane