Complete Truth About De-Evolution - Devo Live

Band's List New-Wave Devo Complete Truth About De-Evolution - Devo Live
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Band Name Devo
Album Name Complete Truth About De-Evolution - Devo Live
Type Video
Released date 30 August 2005
Labels WEA
Music StyleNew-Wave
Members owning this album0


1. Devo Corporate Anthem
2. In The Beginning Was The End: The Truth About De-Evolution
3. Satisfaction
4. Come Back Jonee
5. Day My Baby Gave Me A Surprise
6. Worried Man
7. Whip It
8. Girl U Want
9. Freedom Of Choice
10. Through Being Cool
11. Love Without Anger
12. Beautiful World
13. Time Out For Fun
14. Peek-A-Boo
15. That's Good
16. Disco Dancer
17. Post Post-Modern Man
18. Post Post-Modern Man (Rocky Schenck Remix)
19. Whip It (Live)
20. Jocko Homo (Live)
21. Girl U Want (Live)
22. Smart Patrol/Mr. DNA (Live)
23. Satisfaction (Live)
24. Gut Feeling/Slap Yer Mammy (Live)
25. Uncontrollable Urge (Live)
26. Gates Of Steel (Live)
27. Blockhead (Live)
28. Come Back Jonee (Live)
29. Mongoloid (Live)

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