Discography CD

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Band Name Disaffect
Album Name Discography CD
Type Compilation
Released date 2000
Music StylePunkcore
Members owning this album0


1. Storm Coming
2. Fast Music Doesn't Mean Violent Dancing
3. A Plea for Life
4. Can't See the Woods
5. Humane Humans
6. No end in Sight
7. Narrow Minded Bigots
8. The End
9. Braindead
10. Judge & Be Damned (Sedition)
11. Home of the Brave
12. Solution Available
13. A Taste of Their Own Medicine
14. Headfucked
15. Craven Image
16. State Worse than Death
17. The Last Giant
18. Can't See the Woods (Live)
19. Sometimes
20. Everything's Fine
21. Warning
22. Slow Death
23. Chained to Morality
24. Instrumental
25. Internal Life
26. Take it Back
27. State Worse than Death
28. One Law for Them...
29. ...Another Law for Us
30. Final Strike
31. The Man Who Cleaned the Bog

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