Fantastic Carburetor Man

Band's List Rock Fusion Dogbowl Fantastic Carburetor Man
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Band Name Dogbowl
Album Name Fantastic Carburetor Man
Type Album
Released date 2001
Music StyleRock Fusion
Members owning this album0


1. Mir
2. Hello Albatross
3. Riverside
4. Fantastic Carburetor Man
5. Transplant Her Slowly
6. Floating Chrysantium
7. Oiseau Rouge
8. You in the Telstar
9. Sidewalk Open
10. Giant Wasp Running
11. A Whale with Legs
12. A Broken Heart (It Ain't No Good)
13. Toupee It Flies
14. The 1972 Christmas Bombing of North Vietnam
15. Moths Fluttering Under Streetlamps
16. Bus

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