Live at The Aquarius Theatre - The First Performance

Band's List Psychedelic Rock The Doors Live at The Aquarius Theatre - The First Performance
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Band Name The Doors
Album Name Live at The Aquarius Theatre - The First Performance
Type Live
Released date 2004
Labels Rhino Records
Music StylePsychedelic Rock
Members owning this album2


1. Tuning
2. Jim's Introduction
3. Back Door Man
4. Break on Through (to the Other Side)
5. What Do We Do Next?
6. Soul Kitchen
7. You Make Me Real
8. Tuning
9. I Will Never Be Untrue
10. Crowd Humbly Requests
11. When the Music's Over
12. Universal Mind
13. Crowd Requests Their Favorites and Tuning
14. Mystery Train/Crossroads Listen Listen
15. Build Me a Woman
1. Tuning
2. Who Do You Love? (False Start)
3. Who Do You Love?
4. Light My Fire
5. Crowd Requests More
6. Celebration of the Lizard

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The Doors