Live in Vancouver 1970

Band's List Psychedelic Rock The Doors Live in Vancouver 1970
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Band Name The Doors
Album Name Live in Vancouver 1970
Type Live
Released date 22 November 2010
Labels Rhino Records
Music StylePsychedelic Rock
Members owning this album10


1. Start of Show
2. Roadhouse Blues
3. Alabama Song (Whisky Bar)
4. Back Door Man
5. Five to One
6. When the Music's Over
7. Applause - Jim Talks
8. Love Me Two Times
9. Applause - Jim Talks
10. Little Red Rooster
11. Tuning
12. Money
13. Tuning
14. Rock Me
15. Tuning
16. Who Do You Love
1. Tuning
2. Petition the Lord With Prayer
3. Light My Fire
4. Tuning
5. The End
6. Thank You & Good Night

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The Doors