Manners & Physique

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Band Name Adam Ant
Album Name Manners & Physique
Type Album
Released date March 1990
Music StyleRock
Members owning this album0


1. Room at the Top
2. Rough Stuff
3. If You Keep on
4. Manners & Physique
5. Can't Set Rules About Love
6. U.S.S.A.
7. Bright Lights Black Leather
8. Piccadilly
9. Young Dumb and Full of It
10. Anger Inc.
Bonustracks (Re-Issue 2009)
11. Bruce Lee
12. Room at the Top (US Remix)
13. Rough Stuff (7" Edit of 12")
14. Room at the Top (House Vocal)
15. Rough Stuff (12" Vocal Remix)

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Adam Ant