Red Live Joint (CD+DVD)

Band's List Hard-Rock Koritni Red Live Joint (CD+DVD)
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Band Name Koritni
Album Name Red Live Joint (CD+DVD)
Type Live
Released date 22 April 2008
Music StyleHard-Rock
Members owning this album1


1. Dirty Letter
2. I See the Light
3. Heaven Again
4. Nobody's Home (New Track)
5. Lady Luck
6. Take a Long Time (the Angels)
7. Sick Again
8. Expectations
9. You Fed Me Lies
10. Never Say Goodbye
11. Highway Dream
12. Top of the World
13. High Voltage (AC/DC Cover)
14. Starving Fast
15. Let It Go
16. Red Light Joint
17. Monkey Business (Skid Row Cover)
18. Under the Overpass
DISC 2 - VIDEO (Recorded live at "RaismesFest 2007" and at "l'Empreinte" 2007)
1. Dirty Letter
2. I See the Light
3. Heaven Again
4. Nobody's Home (New Track)
5. Lady Luck
6. Sick Again
7. Starving Fast
8. Let It Go
9. Red Light Joint
10. Under the Overpass
1. Welcome to the Jungle (Guns N'Roses Cover)
2. You Could Be Mine (Guns N'Roses Cover)
3. Mr Brownstone (Guns N'Roses Cover)
4. Sweet Child o'Mine (Guns N'Roses Cover)
5. Nightrain (Guns N'Roses Cover)
6. Paradise (Guns N'Roses Cover)
7. Nice Boys (Rose Tatoo Cover)
Recorded live at l'Empreinte
1. Expectations
2. You Fed Me Lies
3. Never Say Goodbye
4. Highway Dream
5. Top of the World
6. High Voltage (AC/DC Cover)Bonustrack (Videoclip)
7. Heaven Again

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