Rewind : the Very Best of

Band's List New-Wave Ultravox Rewind : the Very Best of
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Band Name Ultravox
Album Name Rewind : the Very Best of
Type Compilation
Released date 23 April 2002
Music StyleNew-Wave
Members owning this album0


1. Vienna
2. No Regrets
3. If I Was
4. Reap the Wild Wind
5. The Voice
6. All Stood Still
7. Sleepwalk
8. The Thin Wall
9. We Came to Dance
10. Visions in Blue
11. Hymn
12. Lament
13. Call of the Wild
14. Breathe
15. Under a Spielberg Sky (Radio Edit)
16. You Move Me (Radio Edit)
17. One Small Day
18. Dancing with Tears in My Eyes
19. Love's Great Adventure

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