The Bite Down Hard Demo Sessions

Band's List Glam Rock Britny Fox The Bite Down Hard Demo Sessions
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Band Name Britny Fox
Album Name The Bite Down Hard Demo Sessions
Type Compilation
Released date 2002
Labels Self-Released
Music StyleGlam Rock
Members owning this album0


1. Six Guns Loaded
2. Black and White
3. Louder
4. Sex't in Line
5. See You on Me
6. Shot from My Gun
7. Liar
8. Ready
9. Feel It
10. Lonely Too Long
11. Over and Out
12. Stay with Me
13. Riff Raff
14. Sweet Hitch-Hiker
15. Stone Cold Crazy
16. Take Me
17. Turn on
18. Again
19. More Than Your Mouth Can Hold

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Britny Fox