The Essential Fabulous Thunderbirds Collection

Band's List Blues Rock Fabulous Thunderbirds The Essential Fabulous Thunderbirds Collection
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Band Name Fabulous Thunderbirds
Album Name The Essential Fabulous Thunderbirds Collection
Type Compilation
Released date 1991
Music StyleBlues Rock
Members owning this album1


1. Wait on Time
2. Full-Time Lover
3. She's Tuff
4. Marked Deck
5. Walkin' to My Baby
6. Rock With Me
7. C-Boy's Blues
8. Runnin' Shoes
9. You Ain't Nothin' but Fine
10. The Crawl
11. I Believe I'm in Love
12. One's Too Many
13. Give Me All You Lovin'
14. Tip on In
15. I'm Sorry
16. Mathilda
17. How Do You Spell Love
18. My Babe
19. Can't Tear It Up Enuff
20. The Monkey

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Fabulous Thunderbirds