The Wankys - Exithippies

Band's List Street Punk - Oi The Wankys The Wankys - Exithippies
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Band Name The Wankys
Album Name The Wankys - Exithippies
Type Split
Released date 2008
Music StyleStreet Punk - Oi
Members owning this album0


1. Vomit
2. Noise Disorder and Chaos
3. ABC I Love Noise Punk
4. Bullshit
5. Muck to Young
6. Veg Sundae
7. Venus (2008 Red Planet Remix)
8. Venus (Dx100 Detroit Remix)
9. Wardance
10. Diving Shit it Die
11. Comfortably
12. Organic and Peace (Now Fucking Stone!!!)

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The Wankys