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Band Name Nomeansno
Album Name Wrong
Type Album
Released date 1989
Music StylePunkcore
Members owning this album5


Vinyl 12''
1. It's Catching Up 03:29
2. The Tower 05:11
3. Brainless Wonder 01:34
4. Tired Of Waiting 01:47
5. Stocktaking 03:05
6. The End Of All Things 05:10
7. Big Dick 03:15
8. Two Lips, Two Lungs And One Tongue 01:46
9. Rags And Bones 05:05
10. Oh No! Bruno! 03:06
11. All Lies 06:27
Total playing time 39:55
Bonustrack (re-issue CD 1990 by Alternative Tentacle)
12. Life In Hell 03:54
13. I Am Wrong 07:01
Total playing time 50:50
Bonustrack (re-issue CD 2004 by Southern Records)
12. Life in Hell 03:54
13. I am Wrong 07:18
14. State of Grace 05:29
15. End of The World 03:28
Total playing time 01:00:04

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