Data de aparición:
1. Sångbron |
2. Hälsa Ulla |
3. Chrisboogie |
4. Last Time |
5. Dansa Jord |
6. Klangbron |
7. Rocktrall |
Bonustrack |
8. Sommarlåten |
1. Punkrocker |
2. The Railway Engine of the People in Irresistible Motion |
3. Summer Disco |
4. Don't Fear the Northen Lights |
5. Wedding Reel |
6. The Most Beautiful Moment of the Dream |
7. Thorns of Solitude |
8. Homeless Cats - Praises of the Inconstancy |
9. Pondering Wondering |
10. Confidence |
11. The Unexpected Encounter in the Mushroom Forest |