Brats in Battalions

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Nom du groupe The Adolescents
Nom de l'album Brats in Battalions
Type Album
Date de parution 1987
Labels SOS Records
Style MusicalPunkcore
Membres possèdant cet album1


1. Brats in Battalions
2. I Love You
3. The Liar
4. Things Start Moving
5. Do the Freddy
6. Losing Battle
7. House of the Rising Sun
8. Peasant Song
9. Skate Babylon
10. Welcome to Reality
11. Marching with the Reich
12. I Got a Right
13. She Wolf

Acheter cet album

 $27.03  37,16 €  35,33 €  £29.64  $74.32  37,66 €  37,66 €
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The Adolescents