Bring On The Night

Liste des groupes Rock Sting Bring On The Night
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Nom du groupe Sting
Nom de l'album Bring On The Night
Type Live
Date de parution Juillet 2006
Style MusicalRock
Membres possèdant cet album15


Disc 1
1. Bring on the Night/When the World Is Running Down You Make The Best...
2. Consider me Gone
3. Low Life
4. We Work the Black Seam
5. Driven to Tears
6. The Dreams of the Blue Turtles/Demolition Man
Disc 2
1. One World (Not Three)/Love Is The Seventh Wave
2. Moon Over Bourbon Street
3. I Burn for You
4. Another Day
5. Children'S Crusade
6. Down So Long
7. Tea in the Sahara
Disc 3
1. Bring on the Night/When the World Is Running...(Dvd)
2. News Conference (Dvd)
3. If You Love Somebody Set them Free (Dvd)
4. Low Life (Dvd)
5. Fortress Around Your Heart (Dvd)
6. Love Is the Seventh Wave (Dvd)
7. The Flintstones (Dvd)
8. Another Day (Dvd)
9. Shadows In the Rain (Dvd)
10. Consider Me Gone (Dvd)
11. Driven to Tears (Dvd)
12. The Big Risk (Dvd)
13. Opening Night (Dvd)
14. Shadows in the Rain (Dvd)
15. Fortress Around Your Heart (Dvd)
16. We Work the Black Seam (Dvd)
17. I Burn for You (Dvd)
18. Children'S Crusade (Dvd)
19. Need Your Love So Bad (Dvd)
20. Roxanne (Dvd)
21. Russians (Dvd)
22. I Been Down So Long (Dvd)
23. If You Love Somebody Set Them Free (Dvd) Écouter
24. Demolition Man (Dvd) Écouter
25. Message In A Bottle (Dvd)
26. Bring on the Night (Bonus) (Dvd)
27. If You Love Somebody Set Them Free (Bonus) (Dvd)
28. Russians (Bonus) (Dvd)

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