Clap Your Hands Say Yeah

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Nom du groupe Clap Your Hands Say Yeah
Nom de l'album Clap Your Hands Say Yeah
Type Album
Date de parution 2005
Style MusicalRock indépendant
Membres possèdant cet album1


1. Clap Your Hands
2. Let the Cool Goddess Rust Away
3. Over and Over Again (Lost and Found)
4. Sunshine and Clouds Again (and Everything Proud)
5. Details of the War
6. The Skin of My Yellow Country
7. Teeth
8. Is This Love ?
9. Heavy Metal
10. Blue Turning Gray
11. In This Home on Ice
12. Gimme Some Salt
13. Upon This Tidal Wave of Young
14. Blood

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Clap Your Hands Say Yeah

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