Closer to Heaven

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Nom du groupe Pet Shop Boys
Nom de l'album Closer to Heaven
Type Album
Date de parution Octobre 2001
Style MusicalNew-Wave
Membres possèdant cet album1


Pet Shop Boys VS - ...
1. My Night - Billi Trix and Cast
2. Something Special - Straught Dave
3. Closer to Heaven - Shell and Straight Dave
4. In Denial - Vic and Shell
5. Call Me Old-Fashioned - Bob saunders
6. Nine out of Ten - Shell and Straight Dave
7. It's Just My Little Tribute to Caligula, Darling! - Billie Trix and Billie's Babes
8. Hedonism (Instrumental)
9. Friendly Fire - Billie Trix
10. Shameless - Vile Celebrities
11. Vampires - Vic and Billie Trix
12. Closer to Heaven - Straight Dave and Mile End Lee
13. Out of My System - Shell and Billie's Babes
14. K-Hole - Billie Trix
15. For All of Us - Straight Dave
16. Closer to Heaven - Straight Dave
17. Positive Role Model - Straight Dave

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Pet Shop Boys