Genesis Revisited II

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Nom du groupe Steve Hackett
Nom de l'album Genesis Revisited II
Type Album
Date de parution 2012
Labels Century Media
Membres possèdant cet album4


1. The Chamber of 32 Doors
2. Horizons
3. Supper's Ready
4. The Lamia
5. Dancing with the Moonlit Knight
6. Fly on a Windshield
7. Broadway Melody of 1974
8. The Musical Box
9. Can-Utility and the Coastliners
10. Please Don't Touch
1. Blood on the Rooftops
2. The Return of the Giant Hogweed
3. Entangled
4. Eleventh Earl of Mar
5. Ripples
6. Unquiet Slumbers for the Sleepers
7. In That Quiet Earth
8. Afterglow
9. A Tower Struck Down
10. Camino Royale
11. Shadow of the Hierophant

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Steve Hackett