Getting to This

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Nom du groupe Blodwyn Pig
Nom de l'album Getting to This
Type Album
Date de parution Avril 1970
Style MusicalBlues Rock
Membres possèdant cet album3


Re-Issue in 1990 by BGO Records on CD with 2 bonus tracks
1. Drive Me
2. Variations on Nainos
3. See My Way
4. Long Bomb Blues
5. The Squirreling Must Go on
6. San Francisco Sketches
a/ Beach Scape
b/ Fisherman's Wharf
c/ Telegraph Hill
d/ Close the Door, I'm Falling Out of the Room
7. Worry
8. Toys
9. To Rassman
10. Send Your Son to Die
Bonustracks (Re-Issue 1990)
11. Summer Day
12. Walk on the Water

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 $14.90  114,94 €  18,81 €  £15.86  $35.19  28,99 €  21,15 €
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Blodwyn Pig