Head Off

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Nom du groupe Hellacopters
Nom de l'album Head Off
Type Album
Date de parution 18 Avril 2008
Style MusicalRock'n'Roll
Membres possèdant cet album2


1. Electrocute (Demons Cover) 02:43
2. Midnight Angels (The Peepshows Cover) 02:48
3. (I'm) Watching You (The Humpers Cover) 02:13
4. No Salvation (Turpentines Cover) 03:56
5. In the Sign of the Octopus (The Robots Cover) 03:05
6. Veronica Lake (New Bomb Turks Cover) 02:41
7. Another Turn (The Maharajas Cover) 01:59
8. I Just Don't Know About Girls (Asteroid B-612 Cover) 03:28
9. Rescue (Dead Moon Cover) 03:51
10. Making Up for Lost Time (The Bellrays Cover) 02:33
11. Throttle Bottle (Gaza Strippers Cover) 02:39
12. Darling Darling (The Royal Cream Cover) 03:49
Total playing time 35:45

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 $18.91  92,50 €  44,89 €  £59.99  $45.07  118,84 €  136,23 €
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