Private Parts and Pieces IV: A Catch at the Tables

Liste des groupes Rock Progressif Anthony Phillips Private Parts and Pieces IV: A Catch at the Tables
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Nom du groupe Anthony Phillips
Nom de l'album Private Parts and Pieces IV: A Catch at the Tables
Type Album
Date de parution 1984
Style MusicalRock Progressif
Membres possèdant cet album1


1. Arboretum Suite
a/ Set Piece 02:07
b/ Over the Gate 02:05
c/ Flapjack 02:26
d/ Lights on the Hill 05:27
2. Earth Man 04:22
3. Dawn over the Lake 10:55
4. Bouncer 03:05
5. Eduardo 09:53
6. Heart of Darkness 03:20
7. The Sea and the Armadillo Charango 04:52
8. Sistine 03:57
Total playing time 51:09

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 $40.68  37,80 €  69,03 €  £45.35  $52.65  54,35 €  39,00 €
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Anthony Phillips