The Resurrectionists - Night Raider

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Nom du groupe Crippled Black Phoenix
Nom de l'album The Resurrectionists - Night Raider
Type Album
Date de parution 2009
Labels Invada
Style MusicalRock Psychédélique
Membres possèdant cet album3


1. Burnt Reynolds
2. Stand Up and Fight
3. Whissendine
4. Crossing the Bar
5. 200 Tons of Bad Luck
6. Please Do Not Stay Here
7. Song for the Loved
8. A Hymn for a Lost Soul
9. 444
10. Littlestep
11. Human Nature Dictates the Downfall of Humans
1. Time of Ye Life / Born for Nothing / Paranoid Arm of Narcoleptic Empire
2. Wendigo
3. Bat Stack
4. Along Where the Wind Blows
5. Onwards Ever Downwards
6. A Lack of Common Sense
7. Trust No One
8. I Am Free Today I Perished

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Crippled Black Phoenix