The Triumph of Light.... And thy Thirteen Shadows of Love

Liste des groupes Darkwave Ordo Rosarius Equilibrio The Triumph of Light.... And thy Thirteen Shadows of Love
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Nom du groupe Ordo Rosarius Equilibrio
Nom de l'album The Triumph of Light.... And thy Thirteen Shadows of Love
Type Album
Date de parution 1997
Style MusicalDarkwave
Membres possèdant cet album1


1. Victory Starts Here, in the Land of Completion
2. Walpurgisnacht in the Grotto. Dancing with Lilith
3. Marching Across the Stupid and Ignorant
4. Thou Can Not Love Them All, When the Trumpet Sounds
5. Entering the Masturbatory / Luxuria My Rubber Angel
6. This Absolute Supper, Second Consecration
7. Carnival (Festivity in Flesh)
8. Invocation ov Prosperity, Pleasure, Progress and Love
9. Under the Rose, Coitus Excelsi. Pain, Bondage and Subjugation
10. After Reign Cometh Sun
11. Living by the Sword. Dying by the Sword. The Lustrous Banquet
12. And so Forth....

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Ordo Rosarius Equilibrio