The Very Best of Adam and the Ants: Stand & Deliver

Liste des groupes Post-punk Adam And The Ants The Very Best of Adam and the Ants: Stand & Deliver
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Nom du groupe Adam And The Ants
Nom de l'album The Very Best of Adam and the Ants: Stand & Deliver
Type Compilation
Date de parution 2006
Style MusicalPost-punk
Membres possèdant cet album0


1. Prince Charming
2. Goody Two Shoes
3. Stand and Deliver
4. Antmusic
5. Kings of the Wild Frontier
6. Dog Eat Dog
7. Room at the Top
8. Apollo 9
9. Wonderful
10. Friends
11. Kick!
12. Can't Set Rules About Love
13. Zerox
14. Vive le Rock
15. Cartrouble
16. Desperate But Not Serious
17. Strip
18. Deutscher Girls
19. Young Parisians
20. Friend or Foe
21. Ant Rap
22. Puss 'N' Boots
DVD Promo Videos
1. Kings of the Wild Frontier
2. Strip
3. Antmusic
4. Stand and Deliver
5. Prince Charming
6. Ant Rap
7. Goody Two Shoes
8. Puss 'N Boots

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 $14.46  49,99 €  273,93 €  £3.77  $99.00  499,00 €  499,00 €
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Adam And The Ants