There Is No-One What Will Take Care of You

Liste des groupes Folk Rock Palace There Is No-One What Will Take Care of You
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Nom du groupe Palace
Nom de l'album There Is No-One What Will Take Care of You
Type Album
Date de parution 1993
Labels Drag City
Style MusicalFolk Rock
Membres possèdant cet album0


Recorded under the name PALACE BROTHERS
1. Idle Hands Are the Devil's Playthings
2. Long Before
3. I Tried to Stay Healthy for You
4. The Cellar Song
5. (I Was Drunk at the) Pulpit
6. There Is No-One What Will Take Care of You
7. O Lord Are You in Need ?
8. Merida
9. King Me
10. I Had a Good Mother and Father
11. Riding
12. O Paul

Acheter cet album

 $29.07  47,39 €  214,77 €  £26.07  $39.48  10,07 €  239,11 €
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