
Data wpisu:

Porn Beautiful

Album, 2002, Sony Music

LAB : Porn Beautiful


1. 'til You're Numb
2. Isn't He Beautiful
3. Killing Me
4. Sleep
5. Miss Tinnitus
6. Just to Keep You Near
7. Get Me a Name
8. You're on the Watch
9. Scifi Novel Number One
10. Trapped

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Devil Is a Girl

Album, 2003, Sony Music

LAB : Devil Is a Girl


1. Machine Girl
2. Beat the Boys
3. Hardcore
4. Tv
5. Chocolate
6. Jump at Me
7. Breathing
8. Devil Is a Girl
9. Ding - Dong
10. I Used to Hide

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Where Heaven Ends

Album, 2005, Sony Music

LAB : Where Heaven Ends


1. When Heaven Gets Dirty
2. Danger
3. Love Like Hell!
4. Insane with Love
5. Raining Dogs
6. Who Is She?
7. Godness I'm a Goddess
8. Tortune for Two
9. Dog Super Hero
10. Did You Ever Hate Me?
11. Where Heaven Ends

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