Bend Over and Pray the Lord

Lista de Bandas Hard-Rock Lordi Bend Over and Pray the Lord
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Band Name Lordi
Album Name Bend Over and Pray the Lord
Type Album
Data de lançamento 23 Setembro 1999
Labels Self-Released
Estilo de MúsicaHard-Rock
Membros têm este álbum1


1. Get Heavy
2. Playng the Devil (Bend Over and Pray the Lord)
3. Cyberundertaker
4. Steamroller
5. Almost Human
6. Idol
7. Paint in Blood
8. Death Suits You Fine
9. I Am the Leviathan
10. Take Me to Your Leader
11. Monstermotorhellmachine
12. With Love and Sledgehammer
13. The Dead Are the Family
14. White Lightning Moonshine

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